Well the one day at a time is off to a hectic start. After receiving the news yesterday and taking our time to gather ourselves, we overheard Dr. Tin booking Chantel in for all her tests and her directness seems to have worked. The phone has been ringing off the hook and so far the following is booked:
Friday – ECG tests to set a baseline for Chan's heart functioning
Monday – Bone scan to make sure nothing has spread into the bone structure beneath the mass
Tuesday – CT scan to make sure nothing has spread to her liver
Dr. Tin also pre-ordered all the blood tests that the Cancer Clinic would want when developing their chemotherapy plan, and we went straight there to get them done.
With all these reports a treatment plan should be in the works by mid next week. It would have been nice to get more done this week, but I suppose we have to give them a little slack because of this shortened week. But they are calling back to reschedule as openings arise so who knows it might be sooner.
Yesterday's task was informing Chan's Dad, brother, Deb, "the girls", Chan's Principal and Vice Principal of the news. Today will be Mom and Aunt Laurel, etc. We'll roll it out from there as needed, but will definitely be avoiding referring to it in social media in any way, and we're making everyone else vow to do the same.
I'll send some of the specifics from the report to you so you know what we're dealing with when you inquire with your experts. We're even keeping a binder of information just to keep all this stuff straight.
I seem to recall Pastor Carla referencing some story about mountain tops and deep dark valleys in life and marriage. It'll be a climb, but Chan will get back to the mountaintop with our support the entire way. That mountaintop may be 2 weeks on a beach in Aruba, but you get the idea…
Love you all.
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