Friday, 16 November 2012

Day 3, AD

Nothing much new on Thursday. If anything, it was the unenviable task of informing her coworkers, my coworkers, JJ, Garret, Kristi and Lesley. Chantel maybe slept 2 hours the night before, so yesterday was undoubtedly one of the longer days of her life.

A very good friend of mine tipped me off to a blog that Bob Lowes' (former coach of the Pats) wife started to keep everyone informed during her journey. I read it front to back and it was highly informative. Chantel was obviously moved by it too because she has started setting one up at Perhaps those are where the daily updates will go in the near future. 

We did reach out to a few experts in the field and have received some excellent information on what we can expect at the Cancer Clinic. We have a pretty good idea who Chantel will be seeing, and we are comfortable with the selection. Of course there are other docs that are highly recommended as well, but they all seem excellent and we are comfortable with the information we've received.

As far as the appointment on Thursday, we are told to expect them to really get the ball rolling. Its safe to assume the doc has already seen her pathology and has an idea of what kind of treatment he will offer. Of course he won't get the bone scan or ct scan results until next week but he will have them for Thursday. These results, along with the pathology will give us a very accurate picture about what she's up against. We're told he has likely already booked her chemo, but we will find this out on Thursday also. From reading Lowe's blog, we already know to get Chantel on the physiotherapy list, which has a 4-6 month waiting list. I suspect we'll be maxing out our group insurance plans in the coming months. 

Today is a cardiac wall motion study at 11:45. I seem to recall Dr. Tin calling it an EKG, but we were fairly stunned at the time and may not have had the right acronym. We now know to ask whether she is getting an echo or MUGA done as well, which will stress-test her heart for upcoming treatments. 

Chantel is right now delivering the news to her students, and will be leaving shortly after. They have a counsellor on site for students, but nobody really knows which way it will go. It'll will likely be a rough one because Chan will be leaving for a week and who knows when she'll be back. It may feel like a "goodbye" but it'll really only be a "see ya later". Tonight is a supper at the new Fortuna Ristorante for Karen Mulatz's early retirement. Its a super-special occasion to meet up with those two and we won't be ruining their night with our bleh. Other than that, from here out it will be on a need to know basis for everyone…no need to spread the word and cause any undue hysteria. 

That’s all for today. Over and out. 

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