Friday, 14 December 2012

"It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you get hit and keep moving forward. It's how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is won." - Rocky Balboa

My third week after chemo had 3 focusses:
1. Get comfortable going in my wig in public
2. Stay out of shopping malls 
3. Rest up for next chemo treatment

I'm happy to say, I think I accomplished all three of those goals! I was able get my wig adjusted which made it much more comfortable on my head.  The ladies at the Pink Tree, are really awesome and very friendly.
My teaching friends, had some fun with my wigs, referring to them as my alter egoes, and went so far as to name them.  My long red wig is Scarlett, and my short bob cut brown one is Meg.  I love the names and it helped me to feel more comfortable about wearing them and have some fun with it.
A highlite of the week was having a nurse ask me if I was going to lose my hair from the chemo and being able to tell her that I already did, and that I was wearing a wig.  She and 2 other nurses crowded around me in shock that "Scarlett" was a wig...YAY!

Staying out of the malls was friend Deb and I went for pedicures, lunch, and to the Pink Tree, where we got my wig adjusted and tried on hats.  Deb spolied me - AGAIN - and bought me 2 hats.  I know that as I get more comfortable with the hair loss, I'll probably get more comfortable wearing just a hat, especially in public, but not there yet.  The two I got will be a good start though and will be great for around the house - these wigs are ITCHY.  I also visited with my frind D.Q.  My long time friend who has beat cancer with the ease and grace that I hope to as well.  She is full of great advice and knowledge that I appreciate so much.  I thought I'd share some of it it publicly, in case it would be helpful to others.......

"     *Go for as many massages as you can fit in. If you don't have an excellent RMT, I do. But be sure and  
             tell them you have cancer.
       *Lauren Straub is a really good acupuncturist. Acupuncture is extremely relaxing and boosts your
             immune system.
        *I went to a friend and then later a woman just off 13th Ave.for Reiki. Similar benefits to acupuncture.
        *You may want to go see a naturopath. The one I went to see (after I was done my treatments) was in
             Moose Jaw but my friend went to see a female naturopath in Regina.
         *Nature's Best on 14th Ave. has a juice and smoothie bar. Their smoothies are delicious and packed
                with nutrition. If you can handle it, they also have a juicer and make very healthy juices. It's all
               organic and healthy.  "
I also got to spend time this week going to my son's first school Christmas concert.  That was very awesome.  He has grown up and matured so much since going to school.  Everyone knows how shy and anxious he's been in crowds and with strangers, since he was a baby, but he handled 2 concerts like a pro.  He got up there and sang all his words, did all his actions, and did not batt an eye.  We were so proud of him.  I cannot be happier with the choice we made for his school.  Such a lovely group of positive, supportive teachers.  I attended my own school's Christmas concert as well.  J.W. did a great with our grade 8's writing and performing their annual rap song. It was great to see my students.  And so many parents stopped in to say hi and give me a hug.
I spent some time this week getting a port put into my chest.  It wasn't as pain free as I had hoped it would be but it will be best long term.  I can now have chemo and get blood taken fron this port rather than being poked all the time in my arms and hands.  I again met some fantastic nurses who took great care of me, and a very friendly doctor who explained the procedure very well and seemed very confident.  It was a very busy place with patients coming and going for various procedures.  And everyone was so friendly and positive.  My nurse, Jackie, gave me a big hug when I left and wished me well.
My husband spent a combined total of 7 hours in waiting rooms  this week for my check ups and procedures.  Although there were lots of yawns, he never complained once or looked irritated.  One never knows when she is choosing her life long partner how good of a team you'll be in the rough patches, and luckily we have not had many, but this one is a doozy.  He is the absolute best.  As my friend, T.S said, "He's a rock."  and he is. 
I'm off today for chemo treatment 2.  My check up yesterday went well. 
I am still trying to grasp an understanding of the following... We know now that I am HER2 positive.  Genes contain the recipes for the various proteins a cell needs to stay healthy and function normally. Some genes and the proteins they make can influence how a breast cancer behaves and how it might respond to a specific treatment. Cancer cells from a tissue sample can be tested to see which genes are normal and abnormal. The proteins they make can also be tested.
HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is one such gene that can play a role in the development of breast cancer. Breast cancers with HER2 gene amplification or HER2 protein overexpression are called HER2-positive in the pathology report. HER2-positive breast cancers tend to grow faster and are more likely to spread and come back compared to HER2-negative breast cancers. But there are medicines specifically for HER2-positive breast cancers. I am double negative HER2 which means that the growth of the cancer is not supported by the hormones estrogen and progesterone.  Therefore, my breast cancer will respond to some hormonal therapy that target HER2 receptors, such as Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab) but will not benefit from a medicine that blocks the cell development or  "puts them to sleep".
I'm not quite sure if  I shared this correctly so I will update as I understand it better. Not the best the reults could have come back, but not the worst, either way - Onward we will go....

1 comment:

  1. Sending positive thoughts for you today. God bless!
